Lazada Epic

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

French Beans Fry Beehoon/ Vermicelli

French Beans Fry Beehoon/ Vermicelli

1 pack French beans
1 chicken breast
5 clove garlic,
4 tablesppon soy sauce,
3 table spoon oyster sauce

Prepare & Cook
French beans cut to 3 cm
Shredded chicken breast
Heat oil fry garlic, add French beans for 5 minutes
Add chicken
2 tablespoon soy sauce,
3 tablespoon oyster sauce
Fry for 7 minutes

Remove ¼ to plate
Add beehoon
Add water
2 tablespoon soy sauce
Fry 20 minutes
Dash of pepper
Garnish with French beans
Ready to serve